The TRUTH will not be Denied, Censored, Hidden or Obstructed.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Editorial Comment

The wingnuts continue to spew their bile and venom in their hatred of anything American all the while desperately claiming to 'Love America'.
The American people ARE speaking and speaking loudly and firmly . 
Bernie is sweeping the nation.
Bernie keeps winning but the media won't tell you.
History and Math are working for Bernie
Meanwhile on the Dark Side:
Well, well, well ... The wingnuts are imploding! Just like we said they would. The Dumbass has shown the world their true colors ... the world did not like them in the first place ... now the world loathes them thus joining the majority of real Americans who already loathed them before the Dumbass
In blog news ...
The warmer months slow down has begun - after going great guns for the first quarter of the year with over 5.7 million readers we have only reached 7.3 million readers by the mid point on the second quarter.
In other blog news ...
We have been blessedly troll free for a few months now.
The wingnut trolls really do not like being called out for their hatred and bigotry and perversions, no they do not at all.
They like it even less when they are called to answer for their peccadilloes by the authorities.
We have had great success in getting the trolls attempting to pervert this blog removed from the forum and/or prosecuted and imprisoned for their activities.
Wingnuts are stupid - one would think that if you were doing something illegal you would keep a 'normal' profile - but no ... not these wingnut trolls.
We remember one particularly vile wingnut troll who called himself "veteran" (an insult to real veterans) who was obsessed with sex with animals (horses in particular if memory serves) and sex with little children (not sure if he preferred little boys or little girls but seeing as he was a wingnut, little boys is more likely).
We had him banned from here and with him went his fellow trolls.
Occasionally we wonder if he is already incarcerated for his crimes, but then we have more important things to ponder - like how fast the grass is growing ... so we don't spend very much effort thinking of the troll.
In other words ...
We spent this past Wednesday just riding down some back roads in the Virginia mountains and stopping at any roadside rundown shack selling 'antiques' (we left the polished stores alone - they charge too much for shoddy goods while the run down ones have the real stuff and a hell of a lot cheaper).
At one place we met a gentleman of the hills and in the course of our conversation we discovered he wanted to sell his land.
Leave us just say that when he quoted a price - we are now the proud owners of 140 plus aces in the Virginia mountains.
Not sure what we will do with the land as of yet.
Remember, as always ....
Have Fun and Be Happy

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